I do hope your energies and orientation in the world are coming back into focus. You might find the work of existentialist philosopher Kevin Aho helpful - he developed a functional neurological syndrome after a cardiac emergency:


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thanks! 98% back to normal

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I pleasantly discovered your blog .and, in my opinion, you. address topics that truly MATTER. But i was also surprised to learn of your head injury. I too have recovered (at least I believe I have) from a pretty severe TBI suffered eleven years ago. I wrote a book about the process, titled Bounce.. One lasting effect has been that it caused me to give up my passion for rock climbing. I tbelieve my book falls into the category posited below by William Sanchez. Another surprise, I read your book Why::The purpose of the universe, and also the similarly titled Why This Universe: God cosmology and Free Will by Mathew Rapaport., which is interesting but sometimes a product of poor logic and wishful thinking. I read it because I had been immersed in the rabbit hole of panpsychism

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"I have some clear ideas of the direction of my research in the near future, including some new ideas that push it in a radically new direction. More soon!"

Perhaps the new direction could be on the brain-basis of consciousness and how brain damage results in disorders of consciousness?

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OK. - I wrote a book from personal knowledge following a near death fall that fits your suggested sugestion to PG. Its titled A bounce and is available on Amazon, where I have sold perhaps 8 copies, (mostly to friends and family)

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I’m glad you are in the mend. No one is promised tomorrow. Go to the beach with the family.

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All the best for your recovery mate!

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Wishing you a speedy recovery!

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Get well soon!

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Oh wow. Neurotrauma nurse here. Thats no joke. Take extra time to heal and regain all of your strength. It’s a slow road, unfortunately. Thank you for the update. Sending you love.

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I wish I had made your acquaintance ten years ago while recovering from a pretty bad TBI and struggling to maintain my profession as a solo attorney. Disgruntled clients could have complained that their lawyer truly hwas equipped with a faulty brain,You may want to take a look at tmy book titled A Bounce, available on amazon/ kindle

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Glad you're feeling better Philip!

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Get well soon, man! Atlanta is one of the greatest shows there is :)

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Wish you a good recovery!

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